In order to proceed with your booking please read and accept our terms & conditions first. Please tick the box below to state your agreement.
I have read and am in agreement with your terms
You will have to cover ALL the transaction fees (including those of any intermediary banks used and our bank in Peru). Typically transaction fees through direct bank transferences could amount to at least around US $ 120 per transfer (more likely 10% for transferences from Europe).
Please seek advice from your bank about making transfers that cover all these costs. Otherwise we have to charge you for the transaction fees and bank commissions on your arrival in Peru. You may alternatively try using WISE (formerly Transferwise) which seems to be a lot more economical.
The details of our Bank account in Peru:
Banco de Credito del Peru
sucursal Cusco, Av. El Sol 189
Andean Spirit Destinations S.A.C.
Current account in US dollars: 285-1948406-1-64
SWIFT CODE: BCPLPEPL ( Please note that there is no IBAN No. for Peru, but only
Our office: Prolongacion Humberto Vidal Unda 510,
Santa Ana, Cusco, Peru